About Us

Who We Are

We’ve been helping people for almost 30 years. We’re smart, efficient and sophisticated. We measure success by the results achieved for our clients.

Focus & Flexibility

Most of our cases involve motorcycle, bicycle and auto collisions.

But we’ve recovered money damages for people who have been hurt in just about every conceivable way.

Take a look at some of our Success Stories for more details.

Fees & Costs – Sharing Risk & Reward

We work on a contingent fee basis. We only get paid if there’s a recovery.

Not only do we do the work, we also advance all the costs necessary to prepare the case for trial.

Clients don’t have to pay any money up front.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum

The expression means “if you want peace, prepare for war.” It’s part of a philosophy that dates back to the Roman Empire.

When we appear in a case the defendant knows that have the experience and resources to try and win the case.

Our reputation motivates insurance companies to settle cases.

Time & Money

We have two goals: get as much money as possible for clients in as little time as possible.

There’s a great quote by Jean-Paul Sartre:

“Once you hear the details of victory, it is hard to distinguish it from a defeat.”

How do you get what you want? You ask for it.

Some firms take way too long to ask for the money.

We make it a goal to make a demand in every case as soon as possible. That way the case either gets settled or we know that it’s not going to settle and can gear up for trial.